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  • Writer's pictureElena Leonova

A Behind the Scenes Look at OneRank Capacity Planning Tool

A better, more automated way for resource & capacity planning comes up in every conversation with product & engineering managers. They want to quickly understand what can and can't be done within a planning cycle, know if the teams are over or under their capacity and advocate for additional resources if needed. They want this planning process to be agile and data-driven to plan the most accurate roadmaps possible. And th

ey wish that there was a better tool to do so instead of spreadsheets.

Today you're getting a sneak peek of OneRank capacity planning. It provides a robust, efficient way to determine what each team can fit into a planning cycle based on roadmap priorities and available capacity. In addition, it allows exploring different scenarios by changing priorities and team assignments.

A powerful way to determine what your teams can accomplish

Imagine it's time for you to do your next quarterly planning. And as always, you have a larger backlog than what your teams can accomplish. You want to plan a product roadmap that addresses high-priority problems, is realistic from a resourcing perspective, and optimizes the delivered business value.

You have two teams, and each has a different historical capacity. So you asked your teams to provide high-level estimates, aka SWAGs, used for roadmap planning purposes.

You used to start putting all this information in a spreadsheet. So that you can easily change team assignments, adjust priorities if needed, and understand if the teams are at capacity or over/under. But we know you want to be agile in your decision-making process and instead spend your time solving complex product & technology problems.

Product roadmap and capacity planning powered by OneRank

OneRank automates resource and capacity planning so you can spend your valuable time addressing customer needs.

OneRank is the ultimate product roadmap & capacity planning tool. It takes all the heavy lifting away from you so that you can plan roadmaps pin hours, not days or weeks.

A seamless way to plan your roadmap and explore scenarios

OneRank pulls your epics straight from Jira with an easy to setup Jira integration. It uses historical teams' capacity for roadmap planning purposes, and it can work with any estimation units of your choice (epic points, story points, hours, people, etc.). OneRank adapts to the needs and best practices of your company instead of the other way around.

OneRank dynamically determines if the team has reached its capacity or not based on the work planned for the team.

Dynamic calculation of team's available vs planned capacity

OneRank allows you to make team assignments and priority changes to come up with the best possible plan. You can also explore a scenario of adding a new team and see how you would balance the workload between your new and existing teams.

Once you're satisfied with your product roadmap, you can push your product roadmap to Jira for execution.

Most importantly, you will do roadmap planning and scenario exploration so quickly, so you will finally find time to focus on your customers and their needs.


So please, enjoy the sneak peek of OneRank's capacity planning.

A powerful and dynamic capacity planning powered by OneRank. Allows product and engineering managers quickly plan roadmaps and explore different scenarios (team or priority changes)


If you want to be the first to try it out, join our Waiting List to be notified when it becomes available.

You will enjoy it, guaranteed!


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